Each year, more than
women are pregnant worldwide.

200 million
This defined period in a woman’s life requires considerable immune adaptations, since the feto-placental unit differs to a great extend in its antigen expression from the mother.


Our laboratory aims to advance our knowledge of determinants of maternal and fetal immunity during pregnancy.
We utilize pre-clinical models and seeks to translate emerging insights into the comprehensive evaluation of large human data sets with known outcomes and corresponding bio samples.Determinants of successful reproduction have emerged over millions of years in order to ensure survival of mammalian species. Thus, our findings also serve as a blueprint to inform other areas of immunology. Therefore, our work holds the potential to also decode the complexity of the pathogenesis of infections in mother and child, along with related co-morbidities such as neurocognitive disorders.
We are member of the Medical Faculty of the University of Hamburg. Our affiliation is the Department of Obstetrics and Fetal Medicine.

Our laboratory aims to advance our knowledge of determinants of maternal and fetal immunity during pregnancy.
Petra Arck